Summer Camp Excursion 2024
Many children in our LHCC community lack the chance to experience the fun and excitement of a summer trip. For them, summer can be a time of boredom and limited opportunities. LHCC has addressed this issue for eleven years by conducting summer enrichment camps. But we need to do more, and we invite you to be a part of the journey for a new and exciting adventure.
This year, we hope to send a group of 18 - 20 deserving children and their parents on a rewarding summer excursion to Atlanta, GA for 5 nights. The trip will be in collaboration with A Better World who has over 20 years of trip experience. This will offer a unique chance for kids and their parents to:
• Celebrate their scholastic achievement: Each child will qualify by improving their reading
and showing use of our iReady reading tools.
• Relieve stress and enjoy a well-deserved LHCC Family vacation: Recharge emotionally
during a trip-of-a-lifetime and return to elementary school ready to learn.
• Experience unforgettable activities: Attend an Atlanta Braves baseball game, The Atlanta
Aquarium and Coca Cola World, to name just a few of the activities.
• Celebrate their accomplishments: Each family would have consistently attended LHCC programs, made health improvements during our FIT program, and contributed time and talents.
Your kind and generous contribution of $370 per participant can really help us create this unforgettable experience for one child or parent. Any dollar amount helps and goes directly towards trip expenses. Families will buy-in as well of course, by contributing about $50 per person, if possible. Summer camp scholarships are $185 per child per week, which is 40% below the average for five-day camps in Charlotte. Click the donation link above to make a secure on-line donation.
Together, let's invest in smiles and make a brighter summer for these deserving families!
Lastly, please be in prayer for this ambitious undertaking, a first for LHCC. While there are many who will be eligible, there are only a few that we can accommodate, and hence the decision of whom to award will not be easy.
Thank you for your compassion, generosity, and prayers.
Brent Morris
Executive Director
May 2024