Brent Morris Brent Morris

I’m new to volunteering at LHCC. Now what?

Be encouraged. Don’t just sit and soak in wondering or despair. Find your God-given gift, and then give your life away in service to others.

Thank you again for giving us the opportunity to impact the lives of those the Lord had brought to LHCC

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Brent Morris Brent Morris

What is a Quinceañera? A big party for sure

The Quinceañera tradition in Mexico traces its roots back to Aztec culture, though the modern form of the celebration is a blend of indigenous and European influences. In Aztec times, a ceremony called the "quince años" marked a girl's transition into womanhood. At around age 15, she would participate in rituals signifying her ability to bear children and contribute to society.

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Brent Morris Brent Morris

Summer Camp Excursion 2024

This summer, LHCC hopes to send a group of 18 - 20 deserving children and their parents on a rewarding summer excursion to Atlanta for 4 nights. This will offer a unique chance for kids and their parents to celebrate their scholastic achievement. Each child will qualify by improving their reading and showing use of our iReady reading tools.

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Brent Morris Brent Morris

Insights from the Pope

Francis is the first pope from Argentina, and therefore from the Americas, and the first of his name. He has dedicated his life and ministry to the poor, the peripheral, and the forgotten

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Brent Morris Brent Morris

Mentoring a hard kid

Let’s face it. While it can be incredibly rewarding, tutoring can be hard. Particularly when you have one of the “hard” kids. Hard to connect with. Hard to get to speak. Hard to get to bring schoolwork. Hard to keep focused.

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Brent Morris Brent Morris

Focus on the reason for the season

Jesus left his kingdom in heaven and the glory he had there to take on human flesh. This alone would have been enough to make him the most generous person to ever walk on earth. Yet after this act, and after modeling a life of pure generosity, Jesus gave his life to save us.

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