I’m new to volunteering at LHCC. Now what?

Thank you for taking the time to volunteer with LHCC and for reading this September blogpost, dedicated to you, our loyal and committed volunteers. As we begin the new school year, the families we serve are forever grateful for your time, talents, treasures and prayers, as you graciously assist LHCC in providing scholastic, spiritual and social supports to our students and their families.

I recently finished reading Atomic Habits by James Clear, a fabulous instruction book and entertaining read I might add, that includes an interesting perspective about mastery and patience, that I believe applies to the services we provide. I learned that The San Antonio Spurs, a very successful NBA franchise, have a quote from social reformer Jacob Riis in their locker room. “When nothing seems to help, I go and look at the stonecutter hammering away at his rock, perhaps a hundred times without as much as a crack showing in it. Yet at the 101st blow it will spill into two, and I know it was not that last blow that did it, but all that had gone before”. The same could be said for helping our students with homework and reading on Tuesday evenings. As we start the new CMS public-school year, perhaps you have already wondered whether your time matters. Is the effort worthwhile? Much like the quote above, if at first you don’t see progress, trust that it is happening. It is seed planting time, the harvest comes later. Mastery does indeed require patience. While many students are behind with reading proficiency, the progress over the past 12 months, for most, is nothing short of miraculous.

 As John Denver reminded us, some days are diamonds, some days are stone. Be encouraged volunteer. Don’t just sit and soak in wondering, hopelessness or despair. Find your God-given gift, and give your life away in service to others. We, as believers, look forward in anticipation to what the Lord will say one day soon. Well done, my good and faithful servant. What you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, the oftern overlooked and ignored, that was me. You did for me.

 Hopefully you have visited our Get Involved page 

Thank you again for giving us the opportunity to impact the lives of those the Lord had brought to LHCC.

Brent Morris

Learning Help Centers of Charlotte

Scriptural verses taken from Matthew 25: 21 and 40. MSG



Hispanic Heritage Month


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