Looking back on 10 years!
Perhaps you have noticed that LHCC just celebrated our ten-year anniversary this past month, culminating in a Kinship Kitchen lunch that coincided with our annual Summer Camp. It was a blast! God has so blessed our ministry this past decade.
Our Kinship Project explained …
We are repurposing kitchens in churches to allow volunteers to help our families prepare a meal for the community
Why is Community Engagement so lackluster? (part 2)
LHCC has invested in relationships, that foster trust and advance social capital as parents gain exposure to new partners and agencies who are here to serve the community.
Why is Community Engagement so lackluster? (part 1)
This blogpost introduces an issue that we see across our community as we and other social-good organizations seek to serve the Latino Diaspora in the South Blvd area.
LHCC launches Project FIT
Come join us to experience the fantastic collaboration of health and wellness partners, helping to get everyone healthy and fit, while avoiding chronic disease through early detection.
Kinship Initiative Progress Report
Kinship remains an elusive goal but one we are excited to chase in 2022. Here is our latest progress report along with our mission
LHCC Impact Report 2021
We have so much to be grateful for, even during a pandemic. We praise God for all we were able to accomplish for our LHCC families. We are praying for 2022 to be a year filled with more discipleship, healthy and encouraged families.
We love to tell stories
We are featuring and celebrating our volunteers, team members and LHCC family this Thanksgiving. Check out our fun stories of the impact we have made this year
See who failed our kids
12 states receive an F for their school funding level in the latest Making the Grade 2021 report on school funding. North Carolina was one of them.